Scrub Oak Control
Gambel oak (Quercus gambelii), also known as scrub oak, is widespread in different parts of Colorado foothills along the Front Range almost to Denver. It is persistent, well adapted to different locations, and drought tolerant. Its stubborn nature makes scrub oak control a very difficult task.
Before and after photos of our scrub oak trimming services
Gambel oak is notoriously difficult to kill. It reproduces with sprouts occurring from an extensive root system. Even after a fire it can quickly reestablish itself from sprouts. Younger scrub oak thickets are very thick and dense. It is almost impenetrable for livestock, creates fire hazard, and can be toxic to cattle and occasionally sheep (Poisoning usually occurs when gambel oak makes up more than 50% of the animals diet).
Total scrub oak eradication requires removing as much root system as possible which is not always practical. The second option is to kill the above-ground scrub oak to deplete stored energy in the root system.
There are various treatments available for scrub oak control:
•Mechanical treatment – chaining, root plowing, dozing, roller-chopping as well as different types of mastication equipment (Hydroaxes, Bull hog mowers, timberaxes, Felcon ratary heads). This method is expensive, cannot be done on steep hills, and make the land susceptible to weeds.
•Prescribed burning – killing the above-ground portion of scrub oak.
•Biological – managed grazing of goats
•Chemical treatment. One of the most effective herbicides used in scrub oak control is Garlon. Garlon is created for the control of woody plants and herbaceous broadleaf weeds in non-crop areas, including manufacturing and storage units, rights-of-way such as electrical power lines, communication lines, pipelines, roadsides, railroads, fence rows, non-irrigation ditch banks, forests and in the establishment and maintenance of wildlife openings as well as grazed areas. It’s shown to be most effective as a stump treatment after the stems have been removed (the goal is for herbicide to get into the root system to prevent future sprouting).
All these control methods require commitment and persistence as scrub oak will eventually produce sprouts. Total eradication of Gambel oak is rare due to prolific vegetative regeneration from roots, rhizomes and basal stems. Scrub oak control will help you enjoy your property; provide safe area for livestock to graze, and fire mitigate your property.
If you would like to learn more about our vegetation management services like scrub oak control, give SprayTech a call or contact us by email. We will be happy to help you. In addition to chemical scrub oak control, we offer mechanical management of scrub oak which includes removal scrub oak with masticator and/or chainsaw and scrub oak trimming services. Learn more about our scrub oak trimming and removal service.