Noxious Weeds Impact

Noxious weeds are more than just annoying or unsightly additions to your pasture or rangeland. They can be extremely damaging to your trees, plants, and wildlife. In fact, they can cause widespread damage tonoxious weeds impact the environment if not tackled.

Noxious weeds impact: Damaging Water Quantity and Quality

One of the biggest issues with weeds is how they affect erosion, making it harder for the ground to hold the same amount of water it used to do. With less space, there is less water. And of course, noxious weeds are extremely greedy, leading to plants and trees dying.
The weeds have a direct effect on the lifecycle of plants. Rare local species die out and the trees become more susceptible to other pest damage, because they are under stress.

Noxious Weeds Impact: Wildlife and Fish Issues

Noxious weeds will also have a knock-on effect to the wildlife. In fact, weeds are the second leading cause of a decline in animal populations. Territories are reduced, as the plants and trees are affected. These are the habitat or food for the animals. There’s also a disruption to the seasonal distribution patterns, which affects when animals come out of hibernation and the food they can forage.
Fish are affected from the erosion issue, as more soil sediments are pushed into the waters. Good food sources and spawning grounds are affected, so fish can’t populate.

Noxious Weeds Impact: Decreasing Land Value

Noxious weeds will be a problem for future owners of the land, so they don’t want to spend as much money on that piece of land. That means the value of farm land and forestry are reducing. Yet, more money and time is needed to take care of the weeds.
Neighborly disputes can also take place, as the weeds pass onto other land. The inaction of one will have a direct effect on others, including on public or state-owned land.

Don’t let noxious weeds take over your land, call SprayTech for a free estimate on noxious weed control.