Curly Dock
When you’re around wet areas and low areas with a lot of standing water, you’ll usually find a perennial plant called curly dock. This is a weed that can grow to 5ft in height and can grow in disturbed areas, like agricultural land. It’s poisonous to some livestock, especially when eat in large quantities.
The Growth of Curly Dock
curly dock
You’ll usually find curly dock in roadsides, ditches, and pastures. This is a weed that prefers the disturbed moist places, but will also often grow in undisturbed lands.
The seedlings can look green in the warmer months and turn red in cooler months. You’ll recognize them for their extra length and the look of a leaf blade. When the plant starts to grow, the leaves appear like eggs with rounded tips and tapered bases. They form a rosette pattern and are hairless.
Most of the weeds will grow between 2ft and 5ft in height, with swollen stem joints and a sheath at the base of the leaves. The flowers become visible almost throughout the year, and are usually green in color.
The fruits have one seed within and are usually covered in a papery membrane with veins and three wings. They’re usually reddish brown in color and can sometimes be toothed. The fruits and stems start to die in the late summer and will turn a rusty color before falling off. The growth of new leaves starts in the winter.
The Spread of Curly Dock
This weed is one of those that mainly reproduces through its seeds. The seeds spread by water and wind in the majority of cases, which means that it can travel for miles. It can grow in the majority of environments, although does prefer the moister patches of land.
Call SprayTech at (720)248-0000 for a free estimate on noxious weed control.