Houndstongue noxious weed
If you find you have houndstongue in your garden or on your property, you’ll want to take steps to remove it. This is a highly toxic plant for animals and takes work to remove. Here’s all you need to know about houndstongue weed management tips.
The best way to get rid of the plant is to remove it with the hand. Try to get it before it starts to flower, but you can remove at any time in the growing season. Use a bag over the head of the flower to prevent the seeds from spreading.
You’ll want to keep an eye on the area afterwards. Look out for any signs of seeds germinating and growing to get as soon as possible.
Mowing can also be effective if the plant hasn’t flowered yet. It’s possible to stop any further growth of the weed. If flowering has already taken place, don’t mow the weed as you lead to the spread of more seeds around your property.
If you’re going to use herbicides, make sure you work on individual plants rather than the general area. Herbicides aren’t effective in the flowering stages, but can be good in the bolting or rosette stages. You want to get to the plant before the seeds start to spread. Not all herbicides are effective, so you’ll want to use those labeled for the weed.
Avoid Grazing at All Times
Grazing is not of one houndstongue weed management methods and will not prevent the spread of the plant. While cattle and horses are the most affected by the toxicity of the plant, all other animals can be too. There is no cure for the illnesses that the weed causes. You’ll also find other competitive species of the plant are put under pressure.
If your property is infested with this noxious weed, contact SprayTech, commercial and residential noxious weed specialist, for your houndstongue weed management options.
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